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Posts posted by timeout!

  1. They had video up last year vs Lufkin. It was filmed on the sidelines with some guy talking. He was over there with the players and a few others laughing and joking about how bad they were beating Lufkin. 

    The Longview game is over and done with. Not sure there is much to take from it. Other than they are on a different level than Lufkin. Have to go back to the drawing board and come out ready Friday. All is not lost, but that switch better turn on quick. There was a time when people would say.."oh no we playing Lufkin after they lost. They will come in mad this game." I wonder if that is still a thing with this program..

  2. 1 hour ago, LPPACK said:

      On the bright side,ex-Panthers Bug Thompson and JaLynn Polk both scores touchdowns saturday.Been while since we could say that.Who knows they coud play each other again this year,and Bug could cover JaLynn.

    Two former Panthers, excelling on two highly ranked teams. Bug also got a key interception against Bama. Both played on the same Pack team. And to think we only got 4 playoff wins with those guys here. Thats one of my biggest fears. We will look up a few years from now. And only see 1 or 2 playoff victories with this group. Kedren is a three year starter and has never played in the post season. Hope that changes for him this year. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Pack13 said:

    After watching that game Friday there isn’t much upside I saw. The offense is simple to stop. Rush four because we can’t block three and let your linebackers clean up. Run a high safety to pick off the deep ball because we put a ton of air under it. Longview showed no fear of the defense rushing straight up the middle even when Zion was in there. Longview had developed athletes and Forney will too. Hope I’m wrong. I’ll be watching either way. 

    Think thats the main thing. The offense easy to stop for the better coached teams. Especially if they have some speed on that side of the ball. I been wanting us to scrap the spread for a while. 

  4. On 9/15/2023 at 8:35 AM, PackAttack said:

    Already posted the scores for the Lufkin Freshmen teams.

    Longview B - 30  Lufkin  B - 0

    Longview  A - 16  Lufkin  A - 0

    JV score :  Longview JV - 9  Lufkin JV -  6

    Out of 4 games vs Longview. Our program only scores 1 touchdown. Have any of our teams beat Longview the last two years? I think the closest we got is one of our sub varsity teams played them close last year and our JV did the same this year. 

    Forney will be another gut check. That's a winnable game if our players and coaches come out prepared. If it plays out like last year and we come out lifeless. I don't think this staff can get them up to knock off McKinney North. Hope I'm wrong and they come out fired up and get rolling. We got the guys to do it. Just not sure our coaches will have them ready. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

    You are right. Aledo is not afraid of big bad Longview. They have coaches that excel at scheming for opponents and players confident to execute the plan

    I understand what you guys are saying. But that game will be much later in the year if it materializes at all. Still a ton a football left to play and several good teams out there to get past. Longview is Longview and will do Longview things..lol. I don't think they are worried about Aledo or vice versa. Both are light years ahead of Lufkin. We need to figure out way to make the playoffs and hope we can hit a hot streak.

  6. 22 minutes ago, PurpleNation said:

    The offense is my concern because Forney is going to score points. We should be able to slow them down but for how long if the offense can't generate anything.


    We play much better with a lead and allow Kedren to help milk the clock. We will lose if we try to get into a shootout with Forney.

    I still think we are in a better position these year at 0-1 than last year. But things will start to really tighten up next week. It's almost a must win game for Lufkin. I also think Tyler upsets somebody this year. Our playoff chances will prob go down to the last week of the season like last year. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, PurpleNation said:

    I don't think he could have if we didn't help them as much as we did. When you have 3 Drives that start at the 27,17 and 5 you're asking to get blown out. I'm not saying they didn't have a lot to do with it but we had some opportunities to score and couldn't make the play. Next week will tell us even more because Forney isn't as good as Longview. Remember they beat those guys like a drum last season (46-7) too and will probably do it again. Longview is head and shoulders better then everyone in 5A outside of Aledo and honestly I think they're going to beat them and win state this year. Longview is beating the brakes off everyone not just us.

    I'm concerned about our guys confidence, injuries and the  X's/O's going into the Forney game. We came out flat and uninspired after taking a beat down from Longview last year. Will that be the same  this Friday? We will also probably be without Zion and maybe a few others. And can our coaches get our talented, but young secondary settled this year? Honestly, Forney didn't look all that on film when I watched them play. But I also thought we looked a lot better than what we showed last night. We prob won't see another defense like Longview again this year. But it won't matter if we can't execute any better than last night.

  8. 2 hours ago, PackAttack said:

    There was a reason I didn't make a prediction on this game. I'm hearing that Zion is going to be okay, may miss a game or so.  The main thing, it doesn't sound like a season ending injury.  Someone might confirm that news.

    Longview is the real deal, they did to the Lufkin offense just what they did to it in 2022 and 2020, that's because there are no fresh ideas coming from that side of the ball. Same old stuff.  Then again, when the passing game is not working, I guess your only option is your Norte dame bound RB. What else do you do?

    Offense put the defense defending short fields, same as last two meetings, that's the Lobo way f doing business. Longview is a much better program than us,  we are also just snake bit playing them. If anything can go wrong against them, it really goes wrong. It's become phycological block IMO.

    Longview has a better program than Lufkin, from top to bottom. I mentioned how well their sub varsities team play a couple of weeks ago. You get the same effort and style of play at all levels. They expect to win and represent Longview brand of ball. It may not be varsity, but carries over when they get there. It's rinse and repeat in a good way. Not the rinse and repeat we have here. 

    Many of us knew this game would be a test for Lufkin. Longview was gonna put that mirror in our face and show us who we are. We were punched in the face and didn't respond. So many things we can talk about. 

    Our offense is easy to defend for a program like Longview. Those guys tackle well and not gonna just let you run all over the field on them. You can get away with that stuff against Nac and Legacy. That AMC game should've been warning sign for Lufkin. Our offense takes a big dip against better coached team. We can only expect Kedren to do so much. The passing window become a lot smaller and the Qb is forced to make decisions a lot faster. All of those things lead to mistakes and turnovers. It's been my opinion for many years, that Lufkin should scrap that watered down version of the spread and start over. 

    Our defense was hit and miss. They started out well and got a key top on the first drive. But then fell apart as the game went on. Too many miscues in the secondary and they never figured out how to stop Longview long enough to get off the field. Tutt and crew always came up with a play when needed. Defense didn't get any favors from our offense either.

    There was a discussion about Tutt vs Hammonds. Most of us agreed that Hammonds is a better Qb. I think that still stands. BUT..Tutt fits in a system that allows him to be much more successful in what he is asked to do vs what Hammonds is in ours. He plays within himself and executes that offense well. The run game and offensive line give him the chance for PA passes and bootlegs for easy reads. Their defense does the rest. He won't have to put up a ton of points against most teams. 

    Next week will be another gut check for Lufkin. We will prob be without Zion and maybe a couple other key players. Lufkin better figure something out something out Quick..PUN intended..or this thing can start to unravel pretty fast. 

    We have some talented players this year. But it's gonna take a lot more than that to get this right. Lets see if the coaches can rally the guys and get them ready for another big game. Forney will go after our throats next Friday.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Packfan49 said:

    I made a comment that LV may not be as good this as some of their teams in the past. Well the defense looked awesome last night, but look at who they were playing. In the play offs teams will be a lot tougher than us and will slow Tatum down and have better offenses than us. I don't think the passing as good also but you have to admit,Lufkin made them look invincible last night.😟

    Only time will tell how far Longview will go. I know their team has been consistent and will not fold like a deck of cards. King will have his team prepared and will be hard out for anyone they face. A large portion of their fans don't really consider us a marque game anymore. They didn't bring a big crowd to ABE last year. And I saw a lot empty seats on their side last night. They look at us the same way they do Marshall or kinda how we see NAC. 

  10. 1 hour ago, PackAttack said:

    DCTF 7-5A DI District game predictions for Week #4:

    Lufkin at Longview - Longview by +27

    Lancaster at McKinney North - Lancaster by +11

    Tyler at North Mesquite - Tyler by +19

    West Mesquite at Forney - Forney by +25


    Kinda funny when you think about it. W. Mesquite has a smaller spread vs Forney than we do against Longview. I’m ready for this game. If there was ever a time to bring back some of that old Pack swagger, this is it. Let’s get the Lufkin mean streak back going. We been in the basement too long. Let this be our coming out party. Go Pack!

  11. 10 minutes ago, PackAttack said:


    Whoever said she ask harder questions than LDN may be right. 😁

    King may have Quick number, but most of the games have been competitive. Quick has shown he can go head to head with King, especially when we have a little extra talent. The last two years are outliers more than anything else. I say we get back on track and have a classic Longview vs Lufkin battle. 

  12. I have a good feeling about Friday night. The two best players on both sides of the ball play hard and won't be intimidated. Our secondary is young, but they can play and won't back down. And we have some Wrs that can go get the ball. We have most of what we need to make it a contest. 

    I don't see a 34 pt blowout. Lufkin will have to start knocking off some of these elite programs, before anyone respects us. Thats all it that matters. Can you beat the best of the best. This game could be the turning point for our program. 





    It could just be me. I never played for Quick, but he doesn't sound like the type of coach that will get his guys fired up. " Let's get it on. It's gonna be great" Maybe he tells the boys something different to get them ready. Guess I been listening to too much Coach Sanders at Colorado. Waiting for Quick to say "We Coming and I'm bringing my Louie bags with me." 😂

    All jokes aside. I think he's just a nice guy trying to get stuff done his way. I'd like to see him get one before he retires. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, PackMan16 said:

    I think the game will be decided in the trenches. Longview has had a decisive advantage in the trenches over the past 5 seasons, and I'd say 2017 was the last time we were even with them. If you go position by position, I think we have a better QB, better WRs, and even as far as every other position other than the offensive line, where they have been much better than us these first 3 games. If we can contain Tatum and put them in some 3rd and long's, that'll give us our best chance. But the game will be decided with our offense and specifically our offensive line. If we can win at the line of scrimmage, on both passing and running plays, we'll give ourselves the best chance to pull the upset. 

    I agree. It all boils down to our O-line. Thats where we have our biggest question mark. Special teams will need to step up too. I have been disappointed from what I have seen so far. We have had some type of botched extra point, FG or punt, every game this year. The margins will be much smaller during district. We're fortunate our defense played as well as they did against AMC. We had two shanked punts that set them up on our side of the field. Things like that will cost you a close game.

  15. 14 minutes ago, PackAttack said:

    Looking forward to the Longview game, win or lose. I'm not worried or intimidated, I'm not playing. 😉 If I were playing, still wouldn't, because I would realize how good my teammates were around me. You know people worry about and fear things that never occur 90% of the time.

    Hey, I'm surviving on one year contracts now, not guaranteed any long term deals anymore. So, I'm going to enjoy whatever transpires with this year's team and next. It's a bonus for me.  I'm much more grateful for the opportunity than past years. Back when I thought there was all the time in the world to wait for things to happen, form opinions and such.

    I may not always agree with everything our coaches do, however I am 100% behind these kids. I love to see them do good, make big plays, to be successful. Not only on the football field, want too see success in their everyday life as well. 

    These Pack guys are not going back down from the Lobos, those kids have an intentional purpose for this Friday night. They haven't forgotten last year. 

    Well said PA. To be truthful, we are all on temporary contracts that can be torn up at anytime. None of us are guaranteed anything beyond today. Some of us just come to the realization earlier than others.

    I'm with you on just soaking in the season and seeing where it takes us. I've voiced some concerns over the last few weeks. But try to keep it to minimum now days. Most of us know what it is with this program at this point. It's all about supporting the kids and watching them grow. One of the reasons I want to see all of our guys get a chance to show what they can do.

    One thing I know. We have a confident group on the defensive side. They'll bring it Friday night and won't back down. We have the depth and talent to put up a fight. Offense will need to play well too. We can't have them starting on our side of the field all game. 

    Should be a fun a game. No one is expecting our guys to win. They just need to keep their head in the game and don't get down if you give up a play or two. 




    After given it some thought. AMC is a better team than what I thought when I watched them play Huntsville. Think that also says something about how good Huntsville may be this year. AMC came in expecting to win and didn't back down. They have some playmakers and will win their share of games. That was a quality win for us, especially after trailing most of the game. The experience will only help down the line. 

  17. 31 minutes ago, PackAttack said:

    I knew this conversation would surface after Young carried the ball 32 times last Friday. How does the O look different to you than it did 5 years ago, 12 years?, or 20 years ago? When your butt cheeks get tight and nothing else you call seems to be working, you just ride your biggest horse. So how's your day going? LOL

    I just shake my head when I see the numbers. Our back up Qb with more rush attempts than our 6'2 250lb back that has shown the ability to make plays. I don't have the numbers, but I'm willing to bet the backups have played more snaps than Gavin, when you consider them playing nearly full halves of two games. 

    The O'line is what it is at this point. I think they are much improved from previous years. But like Kedren, Gavin has the ability to compensate for some of that. He doesn't have the lateral quickness or speed of Young. But he is every bit as powerful and has the ability break through tackles if given a little room. Doesn't have to be a Longview size hole to run through. Just enough to get him rolling. He is averaging 7.2 yards a carry right now. 

    I'm all for the passing game doing it's part when teams stack the box.  But there are some games/teams that you will just have to punch someone in the face and run the ball down their throat. Young and Phillip together could really wear down a team. At least thats my vision on how it could go. I'm not the coach, so let me get off my soap box and just enjoy the show. lol.

  18. 1 hour ago, Packfan49 said:

    Taking a look at who is running the offense, and there is your answer. When you look back over a period of years, there was players that made the staff look good,but when you only got maybe one kid that's a stud the coaching can be exposed. We have a bunch of good kids, but we don't have the Reggie's, the Dez's the Lane's the Coutee's etc, that could take over a game. Young is that type but the O line has too play better soon. Guys this is just my opinion

    Gavin is one of our better athletes. A possible P5 kid by some estimates. And would have to agree based on what I've seen. He not some kid in over his head when out there. He has broken tackles and made plays when given the CHANCE to do so. This not me just saying or thinking this, but coach Quick too. He was quoted saying that Gavin can be used as weapon. Well there hasn't been much use as far as I can see. Nothing wrong with using your stud RB to make plays. No one will argue against him getting the lions share of carries. But lets help him out by sharing some of the work load. Gavin is not some 5'3 175lb scat back who can't handle a larger work load. The kid has been grossly under utilized by this staff up to this point. 

  19. Took a look at the season stats thread. Our back up Qb having more rush attempts than Gavin is a bit concerning. Unless he's been banged up, 12 touches on the year is inexcusable. I can understand holding back certain formations or plays. But not giving him a chance to run or catch the ball is not helping our team. He's been mostly used as a blocker the few snaps he has had, which is also needed. But not the full package I was expecting. 

  20. 13 minutes ago, PackAttack said:

    Just in case you didn't notice last night.  A&M Consolidated had two players ejected. Part of the new U I L rule that went into effect in 2023.  This applies to all other sports as well. They are going to clamp down on players berating officials. One of the ejections last night was for that type infraction.  The other was an AMC player taking exception to good blocking and throwing some punches. 

    This reflected in the penalties issued to both teams.  Lufkin had 131 yards of penalties last week against Nacogdoches. They did a good job of cleaning that up this week.

    Lufkin had 5 penalties for 50 yards, while AMC had 16 penalties for 156 yards.

    The second player that got ejected, was throwing haymakers at our lineman. Dude completely lost it and assaulted our player while he was on the ground. Glad we got out of this one with no serious injuries. 

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