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Posts posted by timeout!

  1. 9 hours ago, PurpleNation said:

    He's going to have to beat Longview with his arm. They're gonna be able to stop our run game for the most part I imagine. I think they will still have to stack the box to do it and that's going to make for some interesting one on one matchups. I don't think you guys realize how good Preston at WR is yet. There is a reason TJ is launching it up to him in double coverage. He is a highlight reel just watch.

    Not sure the reasoning behind it. But I felt he was severely underutilized last year. I thought they would break him out vs Longview last year. He only saw a few snaps though. Glad he finally getting some PT.

  2. 7 hours ago, PurpleNation said:

    Yeah but their are levels to this and I'm willing to bet Nac is going to be completely outclassed Friday night. It's just week 1 and there will be more film to digest but I watched some of Forney and nothing I don't think we can handle. Couldn't find anything on Lancaster. Seen a little bit of Tyler not impressed with them either.

    I watched a condensed game of Forney play Crandall. And I agree about nothing just stood out to me. We just can't make it easy for them and play 4 full qtrs. Forney was up 35-3 in the second half and still throwing the ball down field. 

    Watched the Lancaster game vs Skyline and kinda felt the same. Think that is a winnable game and like PA said, things may not be cut and dry like some think. Main thing for Lufkin is to find something to improve on every week. I want to see the special teams clean up their mistakes this week against NAC. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, PackAttack said:

    It's so imperative that we keep Young healthy for when it counts. If there is a big lead involved, my hope is attempts will be given to our back up RBs to score some, and not run clock until at least the 4th quarter.

    Take him out and give all the backups some playing time. That experience will only help down the line. Keep Kedren legs as fresh as possible. He will have plenty to do come district. This also applies to most of the other starters. My only concerned would be conditioning down the stretch, if we get into 4qtr slug fest. We got bodies on the defensive side. Not so sure about the offense. With with the exception of Rb...We have some depth there. I didn't realize how fast Demarcus Chin is. He made the play of the game chasing that Legacy player down on the botched FG. He may have earned himself a few more opportunities.

  4. 7 minutes ago, PackAttack said:

    There will be game highlights posted probably as early as Monday. There were no rebroadcast of football games last year. JAM Digital Media has the contract to broadcast games LIVE. Don't know the terms of their contract with the Lufkin district for anything else. Lots of copyright stuff goes on with this district.

    Thanks for the info. I was a bit confused, because they do have some baseball, basketball, and football replays available on their youtube, but not all. I always like to go back rewatch games. Some stuff you miss during the live action. 

  5. 4 hours ago, PurpleNation said:

    You know you're getting your teeth kicked in when you have to complain about another team not kneeing for an injured player. I would understand if it was a significant neck or head injury. I could care less about that. 

    I ended up running across the complaint. Looks like it may be someone from here that was upset. It was posted in the Whats Happening Angelina group. O'well it's over done with now. 

  6. 1 minute ago, PurpleNation said:

    You know you're getting your teeth kicked in when you have to complain about another team not kneeing for an injured player. I would understand if it was a significant neck or head injury. I could care less about that. 

    I'm a bit surprised to hear anything coming from them. Not sure when the last time I've seen a Legacy fan comment on anything. They are a quiet bunch. Even back when they were good, you didn't get much interaction from them. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Chadalac05 said:

    So Lufkin didnt take a knee last night when a Legacy player was hurt? I guess some folks are upset about it

    I noticed that too. I thought it was common practice for all players to take a knee during an injury. I kept looking at the Lufkin coaching staff and waiting for them to instruct the players to take a knee. Instead they huddled up for a moment and then just stood around. Not sure what the reasoning behind it was. 

  8. I thought it was a pretty good opening. The second half was a snooze fest. Reminded of the last time we played Legacy here to start the season. Believe it was two years ago and I was literally dozing off during the game. It was run, run, the whole game that year. 

    Secondary made some plays. Didn't like seeing them let a few receivers get behind them though. Some of those could've been touchdowns if they connected. Hopefully that gets fixed this week. TJ played the type of game we will need him to play. Hit on passes when needed to keep defenses honest. 

    Gavin and Young had workman like efforts. Like what I'm seeing from both, especially how Gavin is being utilized. My only complaint, is I would like to see Gavin with the ball more. There was a point where I felt the Legacy defense was a little tired. And Gavin was starting to get going. He the type of back that can wear defenses down. But Lufkin went away from him after a couple of carries during that series.

    Also wasn't a fan of how they ended the first half. I didn't a problem with them running the clock the last 60 second, but how they did it. Why hand the ball off to Young 2 or 3 times to end the half? It's a few unnecessary hits in my opinion. Just kneel or hand it off to Gavin. You not trying to score anyway. We need to save as much of Young as possible for the district run.

    Whats going on with special teams? How many extra points did we miss? Those things can comeback and bite you in a close game. And has our FG kicker attempted many long kicks since last year? I keep hearing how strong his leg is. But can't recall the coaches giving him many opportunities to try them in games. He need live game reps to be prepared when called upon. 

    Plenty of things to be happy about, and several things to work on. Unfortunately the game did have that same feeling you get when seeing a team coached be this staff. They will have to earn their stripes against better competition. They have 2 more games to make adjustments and get prepared for district. Longview and Forney games will be here before you know it. We can't afford to start district 0-2.

  9. 8 hours ago, PackAttack said:

    P.S., one more thought. Yes, some one please mention this to QB Johnson It's okay to throw the ball away when your in trouble or about to lose 12 yards running out of bounds.  Toss it softly out of bounds beyond the line of scrimmage. Nothing to it, it's easy and could save a lot of unnecessary lost yardage. Johnson is in the learning curve, his first Varsity action and all, he ran for 43 yards, not bad for his first opportunity.  Those were great teaching moments tonight.

    I like his potential. Hope someone is teaching him how to slide. He is aggressive on every run and doesn't try to avoid unnecessary contact. He has the mindset of Gavin when running the ball, but doesn't have the size. I like the toughness, but we may need you later in the year. So try to stay healthy young man.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Pack13 said:

    There was a coach In Arkansas that would do this. Never punted and only did onside kicks. Numbers supported it but goes against football tradition. I think at the high school level I wouldn’t kick either. Your telling me you’d bet against our offense scoring from the 2 with Kedren and Gavin?

    I don't know if I would take it that far. But I wouldn't mind bringing back the swinging gate. I agree about Kedren and Gavin on the goal line. That should be as automatic as you can get. 

  11. Good game. Longview should've won that one. Too many mistakes against a quality opponent. McKinney is stacked with D1 talent all over the place. Longview was methodical with the way they played. Stuck to what they do best, and mixed in a few things to catch McKinney off guard. And the Longview defense showed up. King teams usually get better as the year goes on. So they'll be fine. 

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