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Posts posted by lumberjack1977

  1. I usually don't respond to what people say on message boards but I had to this time. So much in what Shawn said about Coach O is right on and I know that everyone that knew Shawn knows that he is speaking from the heart.

    Myself, I'm still just in shock that this has happened and I'm sure that the Lufkin community is asking themselves the same question.

    Coach loved all his Children and all the people of the Panther Nation...

    I can remenber back in the late 90's the Sheriff's Department always went out of town with the team so I can say that I've been around Coach through some good times and some bad times. I had that privilage to do that for about 10 years. I can still remember back in 2001 when the "The Pack won the state championship and it seems like there were 30,000 from the Lufkin in the Astrodome that day. Coach Outlaw was so proud of the Panther Nation for their support. I can also remember the 3 losses to Southlake Carroll in the Regional Finals. Those really tore Coach up because he was so disappointed that the fans came out and that the fans would have to go home disappointed.

    Coach Outlaw ALWAYS thought about everyone else but himself.

    I will always remember my last conversation with Coach. I recently took a job that I have wanted my entire life and on Wednesday of last week Coach called me and when I saw the call coming in I was wondering why Coach was calling. Coach said that he called me to congratulate me on the new job and that he was very proud for me and of course I said thanks and I started talking about football for next season and there was a long pause............Coach Outlaw said, ------ it Ricky, I did not call you talk football I called to Congratulate you and I want to leave it at that.

    Anyway, Like Shawn its really hard to hold back tears as I write this but I just had to do it.

    Coach Outlaw I will always remember you.....I Love You and will see you again.

    Ricky Conner

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